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How to correctly buy and use swimming ring, swimming board and other swimming AIDS

Release Time:2022-12-23
At present, there are two kinds of auxiliary supplies for swimming: swimming ring and floating plate. There are also two kinds of swimming rings: baby swimming rings and ordinary swimming rings. Baby swimming ring is specially designed for babies swimming ring, mainly made of plastic and PVC materials, and the main difference between ordinary swimming ring is smaller size, more suitable for babies, and can be subdivided into neck ring and armpit ring two, respectively for babies who can not raise their heads and can raise their heads. Ordinary swimming rings are usually made of plastic, and the shape can be divided into seated swimming rings and ordinary swimming rings. Seated swimming rings are suitable for 2-4 years old children, and ordinary swimming rings are suitable for children over 5 years old and adults.

Consumers should pay attention to the following points when buying and using swimming rings:

When purchasing swimming ring check the factory name, site, date of production and safety warnings are complete, select the ring body material has a certain thickness, no odor, inferior swimming ring products formaldehyde and other chemical content is too high, will make the skin allergic symptoms.

A swimming ring suitable for the user's body should be purchased according to the user's age. If the swimming ring is too small, the user may be strangled; if the swimming ring is too large, the user may be separated from the swimming ring and drown during use.

When buying baby swimming rings, you should buy two or more air chamber products. When one air chamber is damaged, the buoyancy of the other air chamber can also protect the baby from being flooded. When buying a sitting swimming ring to buy the bottom of the deeper, to prevent the center of gravity instability overturning danger.

Before use, check whether the swimming ring is damaged. When inflating, do not overinflate or fill high pressure gas. Do not touch sharp objects.

Infants should be accompanied by adults when swimming, especially when using infant swimming rings, adults should be supervised throughout the whole process to prevent drowning accidents.

How to buy and use swimming board

The other most used aid for swimming besides the ring is the float board. The float board is usually made of EVA - vinyl acetate copolymer. A float board is stronger than a swimming ring, and there is no chance of drowning due to air leakage from sharp objects, but a float board is better for learning to swim than a swimming ring, which is better for people with no swimming experience at all.

Consumers should pay attention to the following points when buying and using the floating board:

When purchasing the floating board, check whether the factory name, site, date of production and safety warnings are complete, press the floating board, good quality floating board is difficult to crush, feel thick, poor quality floating board is easy to crush, the material pore is large.

The newly bought floating board should be unpacked and placed in a ventilated environment for 1-2 days, because most of the floating board is sealed immediately after printing, and the smell of ink is strong, which may cause discomfort.

The use of the floating board should be accompanied by people who can swim. The floating board is a good tool for learning swimming, but the user needs to master certain use skills. Accompanied by people who can swim can prevent the occurrence of improper use of drowning events.

Both the swimming ring and the floating board are only auxiliary supplies for swimming. The key is that the swimmers themselves must have a clear understanding of their swimming level. They should not swim in the wild, do not swim alone in unknown waters, and make full preparation before swimming and other safety awareness. When children swim, parents or guardians should accompany them at all times and do not leave sight range.
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